PHYSICS 301  Fall 2020

Thermodyamics and Statistical Physics

Professor Michael Gold

Lecture: M W F 12:00-12:50
Microsoft Teams

Recitation: F 1300-1350
Microsoft Teams

TA:  Yu Chia Lin

Office hours:  By Appointment

Slack channel

CONTACT: Office PAIS 3218 LAB PAIS 3311 505 277 2693

  • Remote Classes with Microsoft Teams

    For computational assignments I suggest Python or MATLAB.
    If you like an IDE, here is one that works with Python  VScode.
    Introduction to Thermal Physics, Daniel V. Schroeder

    suggested #1
    Thermal Physics: Ralph Baierlein

    suggested #2
    Statistical Physics,  F. Reif (v.5 of Berkeley Physics Course)

    suggested #3
    Fundamentals of Statistical And Thermal Physics,  F. Reif (more advanced version of previous)

    Experimental Development
    The Quest for Absolute Zero,
    K Mendelssohn (paperback)

    In accordance with University Policy 2310 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), academic accommodations may be made for any student who notifies the instructor of the need for an accommodation. It is imperative that you take the initiative to bring such needs to the instructor’s attention, as he/she are not legally permitted to inquire. Students who may require assistance in emergency evacuations should contact the instructor as to the most appropriate procedures to follow. Contact Accessibility Resource Center at 277-3506 for additional information.

    A Note About Sexual Violence and Sexual Misconduct: As a UNM faculty member, I am required to inform the Title IX Coordinator at the Office of Equal Opportunity ( of any report I receive of gender discrimination which includes sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, and/or sexual violence. You can read the full campus policy regarding sexual misconduct. If you have experienced sexual violence or sexual misconduct, please ask a faculty or staff member for help or contact LOBORESPECT.

    Each student is expected to maintain the highest standards of honesty and integrity in academic and professional matters. The University reserves the right to take disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal, again st any student who is found guilty of academic dishonesty or otherwise fails to meet the standards. Any student judged to have engaged in academic dishonesty in course work may receive a reduced or failing grade for the work in question and/or for the course.

    Citizenship and/or Immigration Status:  All students are welcome in this class regardless of citizenship, residency, or immigration status.  Your professor will respect your privacy if you choose to disclose your status.   As for all students in the class, family emergency-related absences are normally excused with reasonable notice to the professor, as noted in the attendance guidelines above.  UNM as an institution has made a core commitment to the success of all our students, including members of our undocumented community.  The Administration's welcome is found on our website .