PHYSICS 522: Spring 2025

HAtom Orbitals

 Prof: M. Gold mgold@unm.edu  
Office Hours:Thursday  2-3 PM PAIS 2540

TA: John Houghteling jhoughteling@unm.edu
Office Hours: PAIS TBD

Lectures: TR 11:30-12:15 PAIS 1140

Recitation: F 11AM-12PM PAIS 1140

schedule  including lecture notesproblem sets and hw solutions

grading-- The grades will be an average of problem sets, class and problem session participation, tests, and final

  • problems session:  PHYC 552  Participation is strongly encouraged.

  • Physics Links

    Texts: The purchase of any of these books is optional.

    Suggested #1:
    Principles of Quantum Mechanics (second edition)
    by R Shankar
    Publisher: Univ Science Books

    Suggested #2
    Quantum Mechanics
    by Eugene D. Commins

    Suggested #3
    Modern Quantum Mechanics
    by J.J. Sakurai
    also now in paperback

    Lectures on Quantum Mechanics
    Steven Weinberg
    Cambridge University Press, 2013

    Accommodations: UNM is committed to providing equitable access to learning opportunities for students with documented disabilities. As your instructor, it is my objective to facilitate an inclusive classroom setting, in which students have full access and opportunity to participate. To engage in a confidential conversation about the process for requesting reasonable accommodations for this class and/or program, please contact Accessibility Resource Center at arcsrvs@unm.edu or by phone at 505-277-3506.

     Support: Contact me or in office/check-in hours and contact Accessibility Resource Center (https://arc.unm.edu/) at arcsrvs@unm.edu or (505) 277-3506.

    This is a three credit-hour course. Class meets for two 75-minute sessions of direct instruction for fifteen weeks during the Fall 2022 semester. Please plan for a minimum of six hours of out-of-class work (or homework, study, assignment completion, and class preparation) each week.

    Support: Resources to support study skills and time management are available through Student Learning Support at the Center for Teaching and Learning.

    Title IX:

    [Note: UNM encourages faculty and TAs to include a Title IX statement on the syllabus and reminds faculty, TAs, and GAs that per university policy UAP 2740 they are required to report gender discrimination, including sexual harassment, sexual misconduct and sexual violence to the Title IX Coordinator at the Office of Compliance, Ethics and Equal Opportunity. Information about how to have a conversation with a student about reporting and what steps to take is available on the Title IX Coordinator page. The Ombuds for Staff runs workshops on that include handling disclosures of sexual harassment (https://ombudsforstaff.unm.edu/professional-development/index.html). Faculty may be interested in informational resources, including language that could be used on a syllabus for referral to support services, developed by a group of UNM faculty, Faculty for a Sexual Assault Free Environment at UNM (Faculty SAFE).]


    To meet obligations under Title IX, UNM faculty, Teaching Assistants, and Graduate Assistants are considered “responsible employees.” This designation requires that any report of gender discrimination, which includes sexual harassment, sexual misconduct and sexual violence, made to a faculty member, TA, or GA must be reported to the Title IX Coordinator at the Office Compliance, Ethics and Equal Opportunity (ceeo.unm.edu). For more information on the campus policy regarding sexual misconduct and reporting, see: https://policy.unm.edu/university-policies/2000/2740.html.